They say a girl can never be wrong with her intuition. Such fact holds a conviction that if we felt that our partner is cheating on us, evidently he is definitely canoeing someone right under our very nose. Yet for every knowledge and wisdom a girl gets from her gut, she never learned from the same mistake and the cycle goes on. Now the point is, are we really that caught up in our emotion that it has shrouded our logical and factual judgment of the cheating game? And are we really using our right side of the brain most of the time that when we find ourselves banging from what we think and we feel, we always end up on giving in on how we run our emotions?

Most of us, a simple sorry and a forgive me kiss can seemingly patch up the shattered relationship we had with our cheating boyfriends. True to the fact that 80 percent of a break-up is caused by cheating, and 50 percent of these break-up couples decided to give it a second chance. The percent of success in changing your boyfriend can seemingly be low, but the chances of a rerun would be on the contrary.  As the greatest men of science said that a man is naturally polygamous, they were able to create the greatest alibi a cheating man could ever hope to cover up for his deceitful acts.

When we tried to confide ourselves on the fact that our man is deceiving us, the right side and left side are literally having its brainstorming. We usually think that enough is enough and that he is not worthy of who we are, but then again our right side consciousness kicks in and turns everything into an emotional mayhem.  Our emotional side has been like an imaginary friend to us that talks and tries to give us an advice on not giving up with the relationship. But like an imaginary friend, everything you felt like things should be is part of your figment of imagination. As they say, “once is okay, twice is a coincidence and thrice is you’re completely dumb”.

Our intuition is like our bargaining chip and last ace against a man’s dishonesty. The reason why it has been installed for us like a GPS system is to use it well so that we know what’s coming with us, and believe me when I say that if your relationship didn’t work out, it will never work. Facing the facts with an open heart is a good thing, but opening it a bit too open can turn you into someone very much vulnerable.