Cebu City, the Queen City of the South, is a metropolis that brought along people from various places among the world. The same city has brought hundreds of bachelors that are being dreamt by the thousands of cebuanas that are waiting for their shining knight to give them their glass of slippers. Like a damsel in distress, we wait for the glorious and magical day to reveal itself, but for how long? Should we, the new generation of cebuanas, should keep up with traditions and wait for Mr. To-The-Rescue, or should it be about time to break the ice and explore the crowd of testosterone across the city?

As a woman with stature in life and was brought up like a princess at home, it has fabricated of our every DNA to wait and be begged from a guy to his knees on the floor to ask us for a single date. Theoretically, the above scenario should happen but as we turn on the news and check the statistics, the higher population of cebuanas compared to the city’s sperm count is nothing but a big reality check of the current events that we should not just give a cold shoulder. As many other bachelorettes are aiming for the cream of the crops, then the only thing that a waiting damsel in distress could ever get is a guy that has been characterized by other females as a jerk. 

Like an Amazonian with an Yves St. Laurent gown, we ladies should be as vigilant as possible while maintaining the poise of a million dollar girl. It is but a fact that we should swim in an ocean infested with Amazonian sharks that are also hunting for their Mr. Right Guy. So, it is now your choice to just sit alone or dance with the samba and jive along with others, which one would you choose?

Without a ring sealing the deal, we are nothing else but a damsel on her way on the corner of the street to find her own Mr. Right Guy and settle a life with her own happy little ending. Waiting is not going to make any difference at all, so is hoping. Our whole life is ahead of us and we try to see which paths we take, and maybe right on the avenue we can bump into someone and say, “Hey there, Mr. Right Guy!”